Safe Harbor Children’s Center serves children, ages birth to 18, who have been removed from dangerous situations as a result of abuse, neglect, or abandonment. As a long-term residential shelter, the center provides nurturing care, medical and dental services, academic tutoring, vocational guidance, recreational opportunities, and counseling and therapeutic services in a loving home-like environment.
Situated amid stately live oaks in Brunswick, the city center of the Golden Isles of Georgia, Safe Harbor Children’s Center is a home for children in need of a safe, loving environment – a place where they are treated like family. Known as local safe haven for desperate, helpless children, Safe Harbor is a welcoming sanctuary where children and older youth can escape abuse, torment and neglect.
Constructed in 2017, the Safe Harbor Children’s Center, known as the Windolf Residence, is a 17,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art group home 24 abused and neglected children. The residence features separate two-story wings for boys and girls, each home to 12 children with a dedicated living room. The shared dining room, kitchen, tutoring area and computer room is located on the first floor. Housing both male and female children in the same facility enable us to keep siblings together under one roof, unique in Coastal Georgia.
A playground, picnic area, and community garden provides outdoor attraction for our children, and a garage with a studio for art instruction offers children numerous onsite activities.
Through its skilled and compassionate staff, Safe Harbor serves a variety of residents based upon his or her unique, often complex, needs. Services are designed to facilitate intensive, comprehensive, and therapeutic support that is centered on the healing of the child.
We are dedicated to providing a safe environment as 100 percent of our youth are:
- Protected from repeat abuse and neglect
- Enrolled in an appropriate public education setting with support
- Provided with person-centered services
- Supported by a life skills coach

The long-term impact of child abuse and neglect (child maltreatment) can be profound and may endure long after the abuse or neglect occurs. Although, not all forms of abuse and neglect may cause visible injuries, the consequences for children, families, and society can last through generations. Effects can appear in childhood, adolescence, or adulthood and may affect various aspects of an individual’s development (e.g., physical, psychological, behavioral,) and have societal consequences.