Donations are one of the most-important means of support for Safe Harbor.
Without valuable contributions of goods and funds from generous people and organizations, Safe Harbor would not be able to help hundreds of children escape violence, abuse, and neglect each year.

Wish List Items


  • Nair Hair Removal
  • New Underwear (all sizes, male & female, children & adult)
  • New Socks (all sizes, male & female, children & adult)
  • Deodorant (male and female, sensitive skin)
  • Body Wash (sensitive skin/fragrance free)
  • African American Natural Hair Care Products
  • Free & Clear Shampoo and Conditioner
  • Noxzema Face Wash Lotion (sensitive skin/fragrance free)
  • Toothpaste and Toothbrushes
  • Hair Combs, Brushes, Wave Brushes, and Hair Picks
  • 1.5”, 2”, and 3” Three Ring Binders
  • Cleaning Supplies (Lysol Disinfectant spray/wipes & large trash bags)
  • New or Gently Used Clothing, Shoes, and Purses (all sizes, male & female, children & adult)


  • Back to School Supplies
  • New or Gently Used Halloween Costumes
  • Halloween Decorations
  • Halloween Candy
  • Canned Foods for Thanksgiving
  • Christmas Decorations (call for details: 912-267-6000 ext. 104)

Please contact Development Department- Michelle Fasig and Miranda Vogt,
at (912) 267-6000 with any donation related questions.