Champions for Children 2024: A Resounding Success

Safe Harbor Center’s Champions for Children 2024 campaign has wrapped up, and we are thrilled to share the incredible outcomes with you. Over the past eight weeks, our community has come together in a powerful way to support the at-risk families, children, and individuals we serve. Your dedication and generosity have made this campaign a landmark success.

Campaign Highlights

The Numbers Speak Volumes

  • Duration: 8 weeks
  • Unique Donors: Over 500
  • Champions: 13 dedicated individuals
  • New Donors: 22%
  • Funds Raised: $250,000
  • Average Donation: $478

Celebrating Our Champions

We are immensely grateful to our Champions, Mary Katelyn Bland, Brooke Carter, Gina Copeland, Kyle Fox, Chris Gantt, Rowdy Gregg, Maggie Hughes, Jonathan Jerusalmy, Ken King & Jimmie Nell Tate, Megan Torello, Jacquie Wheeler, Ciera Womack, and Heather Woodard, whose efforts were instrumental in the success of this campaign.

The Winners Circle:

  • The Ultimate Champion for Children: Jonathan Jerusalmy of Sea Island Company, raising an astounding $87,147.
  • Second Place: Ciera Womack of Rich Products Corporation, with $28,402 raised.
  • Third Place: Mary Katelyn Bland of Bland Farms, $23,161 raised.

The hard work and passion of each of our 13 Champions for our cause have made a profound impact, and we are honored to recognize you all as leaders in our community.

The Heart of Our Campaign: Our Supporters

Our heartfelt thanks extend to the numerous individuals who contributed to this campaign. Your support of our Champions has allowed Safe Harbor to further its mission and continue to provide vital services to our community’s children and families in need.

We would also like to share our gratitude to the numerous vendors, business supporters, and additional contributors who played a pivotal role in this campaign. Your support goes beyond financial contributions; it embodies a commitment to making a lasting difference in the lives of those we serve.

Special Thanks

A special thank you to our exceptional Champions for Children Committee. Co-Chairs Kate Dart, Bentley Kaufman, and Lizzie Piazza have been instrumental in driving the success of Safe Harbor’s Champions for Children since it began last year. Their dedication and hard work have allowed this campaign to thrive and expand. We are truly grateful for their efforts and look forward to many more successful years with their continued partnership.

Looking Forward

As we reflect on the success of the Champions for Children 2024 campaign, we are filled with gratitude and optimism. The funds raised will go directly towards providing critical services and support to those in need. We are excited about the future and the continued impact we can make together.

Thank you once again to everyone who participated, donated, and supported our campaign. Your efforts are the foundation of Safe Harbor’s mission, and we look forward to your continued support in the years to come.

Together, we are champions for children.



To learn more about the 2024 Campaign, please visit: Safe Harbor’s Champions For Children 2024 Recap