Social media is one of the fastest growing and most effective ways to fundraise for Safe Harbor Children’s Center. One exciting new tool is the Venmo Punch Card! With this new tool, customized for your involvement, you can help raise significant dollars to support the work and mission of Safe Harbor via Facebook and Instagram. You will be able to share custom graphics, in which we will provide, that shares a message about child abuse prevention and a request to support your fundraising efforts by making a donation via Venmo.




Ways to Give Through Wills or Trusts

Ways to give through wills and trusts:

  • Give only the remainder, or residue, of your estate—that is, what remains after all other bequests to friends and loved ones are satisfied
  • Designate that a percentage of your estate be given through your will or living trust
  • Leave a specific dollar amount. A gift of a particular amount may be designated for general use or for a special purpose you discuss with a representative of Safe Harbor Center
  • Provide for a gift of a specific property. Real estate, stocks, and other items of value are examples of properties Safe Harbor Center receives as charitable bequests
  • Arrange a trust as part of your estate plan to provide income to a loved one, with an eventual gift to Safe Harbor Center after that person’s lifetime or another period of time you choose
  • Name Safe Harbor Center to receive a contingent bequest in the event other heirs are not there to receive their legacies

There is currently no limit on amounts deductible from federal gift and estate taxes for charitable gifts made by will or trust, therefore no tax will be due on assets given in this way.

Sample Bequest Language

Unrestricted Gift: A gift that can be used where need is greatest

“I give to the Safe Harbor Center, Inc. (Safe Harbor Center) a non-profit 501(c)(3) Corporation, having its principal offices at 1526 Norwich Street, Brunswick, Georgia 31520 _______ (percentage or specific amount) of my estate* for its general purposes.”

Tax ID Number:  58-1907913

Gift for a Specific Purpose: A gift that is to be used for a specific purpose

“I give to the Safe Harbor Center, Inc. (Safe Harbor Center) a non-profit 501(c)(3) Corporation, having its principal offices at 1526 Norwich Street, Brunswick, Georgia 31520, _______ (percentage or specific amount) of my estate* to be used for [state purpose].”

Tax ID Number:  58-1907913

Residuary Bequest: Leaves any remainder after all other bequests have been paid

“All the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, I give to Safe Harbor Center, Inc. (Safe Harbor Center) a non-profit 501(c)(3) Corporation, having its principal offices at 1526 Norwich Street, Brunswick, Georgia 31520, _______ (percentage or specific amount) of my estate for its general purposes.”

Tax ID Number:  58-1907913

Contingency Gift: Takes effect only if a primary intention can’t be met.

“If (name of beneficiary) does not survive me, or shall die during the administration of my estate, or as a result of a common disaster, then I give to the Safe Harbor Center, Inc. (Safe Harbor Center) a non-profit 501(c)(3) Corporation, having its principal offices at 1526 Norwich Street, Brunswick, Georgia 31520, _______ (percentage or specific amount) of my estate, to be used for its benefit.”

Tax ID Number:  58-1907913

Safety Language: Language added whenever a gift is restricted

“In the event the purposes of the restriction, in the opinion of the Board of Directors of Safe Harbor Center, Inc. (Safe Harbor Center) can no longer be served, the Board may devote any remaining assets exclusively for charitable purposes that: (a) are within the scope of the charitable purposes of charity (b) most nearly approximate the original purpose of the gift; and (c) benefits charity.”